A company from Netherlands is interested in buying charcoal on the base of long-term cooperation

A company from Netherlands is interested in buying charcoal on the base of long-term cooperation
  • Views: 5106
  •   Added: 13-09-2012   
  •   Updated: 13-09-2012   
Country: Netherlands
City: Hague
Languages spoken: English
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Our company is interested in purchasing charcoal. We would like to have the prices of coal for one container (40 FT container) including shipping costs to​​ Mersin, Turkey (CIF). Also we would like to see a brief note about the types of charcoal including pictures.We are interested in long-time business offer on a monthly basis. If we accept your price we want to order at least 10 containers per month.

A company from Netherlands is interested in buying charcoal on the base of long-term cooperation

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