Biomass in Finland

Biomass in bioenergy

At present, biomass accounts for 14 percent of world’s energy consumption. By 2030, this indicator is expected to increase by more than 20 percent. In Finland, 94 percent of biomass used for heat production is accounted for solid biomass.

Finland has become a world leader in wood bioconversion. It is due to well-developed forestry sector and grand-scale investments in scientific research and development and bioenergy innovations since the 1980s. Finnish manufactures are proficient in holistic bioenergy solutions comprising the entire value-added chain, meeting high requirements imposed on raw feedstock and mixed biofuels. Surpassing technologies maximize the value of raw materials.

Nowadays, Finnish bioenergy sector includes a full production and distribution cycle from forest management and raw materials procurement to bioenergy supply. On a national scale, it means that more than 300 manufacturers provide more than 20 000 workplaces.

Finland initiates the development of new technologies for various biomasses treatment into gaseous and liquid biofuels. Motor fuelwood and biofuel are getting widely-used in the country.

By 2030 the share of nonpolluting renewable energy will increase up to 50 percent and the share of renewable motor fuel is predicted to reach 40 percent. The main increase is expected to be provided by additional bioenergy production.

Forestry sector is an important part of the economy

The forestry industry is very important for the economy of the country as it gives employment and provides population's well-being in many regions of Finland. There are about 50 factories producing paper, cardboard and cellulose, about 200 the largest saw-mill plants, a lot of factories producing wood boards and other woodworking enterprises.

Forest products account for one-fifth of the value of all manufactured products in Finland. Despite the fact that there was a decline of forest industry jobs in a recent decade, it still gives employment almost every seventh Finn. Under the condition of ongoing diversification of Finnish exports, forest products are still important and account for one-fifth of all exports.

The volume of wood consumption in the forestry industry of Finland swings between 50 and 70 million cubic meters. The proportion of imported wood, supplied mainly from Russia, compiled from 10 to 20 million cubic meters. In the second decade of the 21st century, the volume of wood import was pegged at the amount of 10 million cubic meters. Imported raw materials are consumed mainly by the pulp industry. In the total volume of wood consumption, the share of palp industry is bigger than woodworking industry’s one. 80 percent of wood raw material is harvested in private forests.

The woodworking industry of Finland mainly depends on exports, only about a quarter of the output is supplied to the domestic market. In recent years, the share of woodworking industry in the total volume of exports compiled about 5 percent.

There are about 130 manufacturers in Finland engaged in saw cut on an industrial scale. The total annual output compiles about 10 million cubic meters of carving wood, mainly deal. About three quarters of products are exported. In addition to the EU domestic market, the most important export markets for sawn timber are Egypt, Japan and China. The woodworking industry is extremely important for Finland. The proceeds of the sale of suitable for sawing raw material compiles 70-80 percent of the forestry income.

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