Discussions on RES are being continued in European parliament

RES European parliamentThe Members of European parliament note that the role of renewable energy sources, which is declared in European Energy Security Strategy, is hardly ever mentioned in today’s political discussions.

Meanwhile, there is every indication that the decrease of energy dependence by means of alternative energy development presupposes the decrease of hydrocarbons import, which is also directly connected to climate changes.

Moreover, the development of RES will give the possibility to create new work places and will give odds to energy-consuming enterprises by means of decreasing the price of electric power. As a whole, this will encourage the further development of European Union economy.

A number of municipal districts and regions have already taken steps towards energy autonomy. In particular, Austrian town Hessing has lowered the level of carbon dioxide emission by 90% at the expense of local renewable sources implementation over the last 20 years.

The remarkable think is that these measures not only give odds to alternative energy sources, but also will make it commercially viable in the nearest future comparing with the usage of conventional fuels, and the period of investment return will be shortened to acceptable limits.

European politicians should take into account this fact during consideration of energy politics and defining national level. In addition to his, all the new projects on energy structure development can be confirmed only in case of meeting the long-term criteria of environmental safety, and the EU energy infrastructure must give the possibility to raise new investments, which are needed to develop alternative fuels.

At the same time, some members of the community make political decisions, which neutralize all these efforts. With that being said, they not only remove themselves from developing local recourses, but also violate terms of energy and environmental safety, exposing the whole region to danger altogether.

For instance, the government of Hungary passed a law on building two new reactor sections. The amount of investment needed to implement this project is 13% from counties GDP, which will make any changes in energy politics for 60 years impossible.

Leading politicians of European Union note the necessity of immediate definition of alternative energy development aims. The community has to reject local decisions and increase the level of common ambitions. A great deal of hopes in this deal is put on UN summit, which will take place in Paris in December of current year. It is anticipated, that a range of important documents connected with climate changes will be signed there. Deputy Speaker of the European parliament, Benedek Jávor, claimed that till the beginning of the summit drafts of new bills which limit grants directed on developing conventional energy sources and support decentralization of energy system have to be made.

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Discussions on RES are being continued in European parliament

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