Wood pellets EN PLUS A1 to 8077 RC Hulshorst, Netherlands

Wood pellets EN PLUS A1 to 8077 RC Hulshorst, Netherlands
  • Views: 1885
  •   Added: 10-06-2018   
  •   Updated: 10-06-2018   
Country: Netherlands
City: den Haag
Languages spoken: English
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We are interested in your wood pellets EN PLUS A1.

We are a small company in the Netherlands. We already have a customer base for 3.500 ton/year and our strategy is to increase this volume to 10.000 t/year within 2 years.

We want to start bying 48 ton each week, packaging in Big Bags 1.000 kg on EUROpallet.

Can you please give us your pricelist €/Ton for the ENplus A1 pellets. Please prices EXW. What is the adress of your productionplant.

Can you also give prices when you do the transport to the Netherlands by truck 22 tons bigbags. Location adress: 8077 RC Hulshorst (the Netherlands).

Our scedule will be:

weekly schedule 48 ton bigbags Summer March – September:

weekly schedule 96 ton bigbags Winter Oct – Feb.

We also have customers who want 15 kg bags. Can you please give us your pricelist €/Ton15 kg bags for the ENplus A1 wood pellets?

Wood pellets EN PLUS A1 to 8077 RC Hulshorst, Netherlands

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